Iron industry based on Charcoal

With an advanced technology totally developed by Brazilian iron industry, today exported to other countries, the pig iron plants use charcoal as thermo reducer.
The charcoal utilized comes either from forest plantations or from management plans in native forests so that the whole process (afforestation + mill operation) generates a significant positive result to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases.
Like any other plant in growth, the trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while they release oxygen. By their dimensions, by their large leaf surface and by their long harvest cycle, planted forests can do that with particular efficiency.
In a sustained yield system, for each hectare being harvested, there are at least 6 others in growing phase, purifying the air and softening climate changes.
Forestry and charcoal manufacturing constitute important factors of social inclusion, generating jobs and income in all classes of the population.
For the characteristics of its industrial operations, pig iron industry is an activity that requires intensive labor and therefore generates jobs.
While utilizing charcoal as thermo reducer, pig iron industry triples the capacity to generate jobs in the establishment and maintenance of forest plantation, forest harvesting and, at last, in charcoal manufacturing.
It is important also to highlight that forest activities, usually established in needy regions with few job opportunities, always bring improvements in regional HDI – Human Development Index.

“It never hurts to remember that charcoal is a renewable source of energy. In times of greenhouse effect and global warming, the iron industry based on charcoal should receive support and incentive from Brazilian authorities and also from the national and international environmental communities. As it is known, this is the only industry in the world capable to produce essential goods for development while it cleans the atmosphere”.