
SINDIFER - Union of the Iron Industry in the State of Minas Gerais represents the industries (Mills) independent producers of Pig Iron in the State of Minas Gerais that are affiliated/associated to it, representing them in the labor area and, institutionally in the other areas such as: Tributary, Environment etc.
Institutionally, the SINDIFER also represents the independent Pig Iron producers from other states and Steel Mills in Minas Gerais that spontaneously associate to the Union.
It was constituted on the 30th of April 1933 by a group of businessmen that felt the need to join themselves and so to strengthen and to have representativity to face the great challenges of being an entrepreneur.
Presently, the Union holds 26 associated companies, out of which, 22 are independent pig iron producers and 3 are integrated to the steel production. The Union is managed by a President, a Deliberative Council of 11 members and a Fiscal Council. The members represent the affiliated/associated companies and their terms last 3 years.