O chamado Bloco 8, empreendimento de mineração previsto para o Norte do Estado, com investimentos de US$ 2,1 bilhões, o equivalente a mais de R$ 10 bilhões, pode finalmente sair do papel com o termo de compromisso que será assinado nesta segunda-feira (24) pela Sul Americana de Metais (SAM), subsidiária da chinesa Honbridge Holdings, e pelo Ministério Público de Minas Gerais (MPMG).

The so-called Block 8, mining enterprise planned for the North of the State, with investments of US$2.1 billion, equivalent to more than R$10 billion, can finally “get off the ground” with the commitment term that will be signed on this Monday, (24th) by Sul Americana de Metais (SAM), subsidiary of the Chinese Honbridge Holdings and by the Public Ministry of Minas Gerais.

The Project foresees the extraction of low-grade ore (20% of iron) and its transformation into a high-quality product. An iron ore concentration plant and a tailings dam will be installed, the last with a storage capacity of 845 million of cubic meters, in addition o water dams.

Annual production of the deposits in the townships of Grão Mogol and Padre Carvalho can reach as much as 27.5 million tons of iron ore. Based on the agreement, PMMG intends to follow step by step each stage of implementation of the project.

Annual production of the deposits in the townships of Grão Mogol and Padre Carvalho can reach as much as 27.5 million tons of iron ore.

On the other hand, the company believes the transparency and reliability of the project will be strengthened and foresees the generation of 6,200 jobs during the peak of the installation phase and 1,100 jobs after the start of operation. (Source: Diário do Comércio 24/05/2021)